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Pedal Predicaments

How to Take Care of Your Feet in the Backcountry By: Laura Albert Your feet.  It is a constant battle to take care of your feet in the backcountry. To keep them warm, dry, blister and pain free. It is a battle each person takes on when they make the choice to go into...

Alone in the Wilderness

Planning and Taking a Solo Backpacking Trip By: Laura Albert Alone. In the Wilderness.   That phrase conjures up all sorts of images and stories from Jack London books of the frontier to the infamous story of Into the Wild. Getting lost, frozen, hurt, hunted by...

Fun For All Four Seasons!

By: Daria HollerI have had a request to write about seasons and the sports that I have weathered, dialed, and grown to truly love throughout the year. I love living in an area of the world where I can experience all four seasons. For me it is extremely refreshing to...

The Case for Crocs

  By: Audrey Stelzer It is time to bring up the very real and pressing issue of the lack of Crocs in the backcountry. I ask, as a concerned outdoor woman, where have they gone? I realize that some outdoor industries will not allow traditional crocs in the...

Gear for Mountaineering: Ice Axes

By: Jacob Chmielowiec   Finding a suitable ice axe for mountaineering is easy. Choose a plain looking ice axe with a straight shaft and no rubberized grip. Avoid ultra light axes as they are often weaker and more difficult to use effectively. Avoid tools intended...

The Fedora: Ultimate Adventure Hat

By: Laura Albert Ok, so I’m going to be real here. I’m red-haired, freckled, and fair skinned. But I love being outside! And honestly when you are battling the sun above and snow underfoot, the task of not being fried like a chicken in Kentucky can be quite daunting....

Gear Review for Mountaineering – Crampons

By: Jacob Chmielowiec Mountaineering is best learned under the guidance of a good mentor who can pass on their experience and knowledge. This guidance can greatly reduce the risks while learning essential skills but also help the novice acquire the correct equipment....

The Search for the Perfect Boots

By: Jacob Cheimelowic   “What boots should I buy for my course?”   There are few things in the backcountry that can inspire as much loathing as a bad pair of boots. Perpetually wet and blistered feet can take much of the enjoyment out of an...