(307) 755-0642 info@srom.org

Fun For All Four Seasons!

By: Daria HollerI have had a request to write about seasons and the sports that I have weathered, dialed, and grown to truly love throughout the year. I love living in an area of the world where I can experience all four seasons. For me it is extremely refreshing to...

The Quiet Places.

“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”-Mark 6:31 Has you life felt like people coming and going more as of late? Or...

Cumulative Impact & the Body of Christ

By: Emily Hall What is cumulative impact? In the outdoor world, the phrase is a bit of a buzzword describing the effects of many individual actions upon a given environment. For example, if one person takes a different path around a muddy area in a trail, you can’t...

The Grace, Love & Fellowship of Our God

  By: Andrew Arnold 2 Corinthians 13:14 says: “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”   As the Apostle Paul closes out his second letter to followers of Jesus at Corinth he...

Pray This Over Your Life and Others

By: Andrew Arnold Executive Director SROM As the Apostle Paul closes out his second letter to followers of Jesus at Corinth he writes these final words.  I have always read these words as a concluding prayer of Paul over the Corinthian church.  These words come at the...

Let Our Hearts Be Strengthened By Grace!

By Andrew Arnold, Executive Director In the concluding chapter of Hebrews the author writes a series of exhortations to God’s people.  It is a beautiful piece of holy writing that sets forth a series of final statements to instruct the author’s audience and the body...