(307) 755-0642 info@srom.org

Experiencing God as Good Every Week

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” ~ Psalm 34:8


Are you ready to experience some of the goodness of God? Are you tired, stressed and over worked? Do you feel like your life is lacking purpose but you have to keep going? Where to? Who knows.

I would like to invite you to taste the goodness of God and get a taste of what we specialize in here at SROM – experiential learning for spiritual development.




“Be still, and know that I am God;”
~ Psalm 46:10a


It is incredibly hard in our culture to be still. The pace and pressure demand that we Go! Go! Go! Computers and technology can keep working 24 hours a day but we cannot. We need rest. God knew this and in fact, he knew that we would need extra rest every week. That is why he designed the rhythm of taking a Sabbath every week.

And man is it good. I know it is hard to get in the rhythm but I challenge you to trust God a little bit more and take some time to rest this week. The goodness of it will slowly pull you in. You may just start with two hours. I would challenge you to start with a half day to really get the taste.



This may be a traditional Sunday or it could be another day of the week. I do think we would see some big shifts as a culture if we really took a Sabbath together each week. I more often than not choose an even more traditional day of Saturday and the traditional Jewish time frame of sunset to sunset so Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. I find I am very tired come Friday and very ready to rest.


Unplug everything. Turn off your phone. Turn off all electronic devices.

Sleep in and take a slow morning.



After I have slept in and slowly start to wake up, I get cozy with some tasty breakfast food and a journal. This is where the experiential learning comes in. You see life can be experiential learning, if you take the time to review. With experiential learning you also need a guide to facilitate the experience and debrief it (ask good questions). I will be your guide.*


In your journal write out responses to these questions:


What is driving your life in the last hour, day, month, and year?

Last hour:

Last day:

Last month:

Last year:


How have the choices you made played out?

>> Thank God for what you are shown <<




What are your intentions now?


* Questions taken from FORM: Breadth & Movement. A yoga flow set to Psalms 23. Also a great idea for your rest and review day!



Take a look at the context of the verse “Be still and know that I am God”. The Jewish understanding of the word know is not an intellectual understanding it is an experiential understanding. When you are able to do then you know. When we take a rest day we are trusting that God can still keep the world going without us and he is strong enough to be our refuge, not us.


Take time to praise God for who he is.

Taking your place with the rest of creation:


Q1: How was this experience for you?

Q2: How were you able to experience the goodness of God?

Q3: Where you able to turn off all electronic devices and fully unplug? How was that?

Please add your comments below. We would love to hear how it went for you.


Check out an opportunity to fully unplug and go on a wild adventure – connecting with God, others, and your purpose.