Josh Horak
Discipleship Director
Josh has been working with SROM since 2001. He instructed during the summers for SROM while attending Colorado State University. He graduated from CSU in 2004 and joined the full time staff as the 40/40 Director in 2005. Josh’s passion for Jesus takes him around the region teaching and preaching at youth groups, churches, and local Bible studies. He has also been known to lead worship on the guitar now and again. Josh works for SROM because of “the lasting impact it has on youth and adults by leading them into a place where they can experience the heart of the Father and His affection for them.”
He is excited about raising up leaders who know how important it is for their true identity to always be sons of God. Josh loves to cheer people on to love Jesus by adjusting their lives according to the Kingdom of God, where every area of life is under Jesus’ rule and reign. Josh’s free time consists of long hard rock routes, navigating crazy fun creeks in his kayak, lung bursting runs, or a good dose of any kind of adventure. He and his wife Amy are always thinking of new ways to serve Jesus and see his Kingdom established in the nations. Josh feels “so honored to be married to Amy. She is a woman of God that runs hard, inspires me to run hard, and knows her priorities – Jesus.
How to Donate
Join the team by donating online with an electronic check (ACH) or by card.
Mail a Check:
Attn: Josh Horak
617 Plaza Ct.
Laramie, WY 82072