Why did you choose to sign up for this course?
I chose to sign up for the 7/7 Father Family to draw closer to the Lord in the wilderness and to share time with my sons and seek God’s will.
How did your course line up with, or exceed your expectations?
The 7/7 Father Family was more challenging physically than I anticipated, even with a year’s training. The physical challenges really broke me down in my spirit and caused me to lean on Christ.

What was one of your favorite moments on your course?
I loved the blessing of my boys on the last night, after completing the summit of East Temple peak. I will treasure that time forever.

How did the community and culture on your course impact you?
It was wonderful to share prayer and connection with other believers. It was so refreshing to know there are other believers seeking God’s will for their children. It was a real feeling of brotherhood.

I am a child of God, totally dependent on the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ for every part of my life. I will serve Him and long for Him until He returns or takes me home.
In what ways did you grow as a disciple of Christ?
I have returned to my daily life very sensitive of my constant need for Christ. In my waking and sleeping, I love Him and want to draw ever closer to Him all of the time. In turn, I feel very sensitive to His love for all, and that is spurring me to follow Him in all areas of my life.
What was one area you saw growth as a leader?
In being humble and realizing that I could lean on my sons and the instructors. I needed them in a way I haven’t experienced in a very long time.

What was the most impactful part of your course and why?
The realization that I am totally dependent on Christ for every breath and all physical sustenance. I’ve not felt that vulnerable ever as an adult.
How are you planning to integrate your growth and experience into your daily life?
Learning more about the philoshophy of wilderness ministry and realizing that Jesus is present all the time, everywhere I am. I want to know Him more and serve Him better.
How did your course reflect God’s Kingdom and/or character?
The shared burdens and encouragement of our team reflected the family of God. I really felt instantly that our team was just a small part of the family of God.
Join SROM on the 7/7 Father Family or another course for your own transformational wildereness adventure!