The Father’s Heart Scholarship Fund
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called Children of God” – 1 John 3:1 (ESV)
“Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in His holy house. God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom.”
– Psalm 68: 4-5 (MSG)
Family is a big part of God’s heart for His people and His children. But our world is full of broken families, youth, and children who have been hurt by their family being broken. God wants to heal what has been broken, and His heart is for those who have been hurt.
This fund was created by a former SROM full time staff member and her husband who have a deep heart for families who only have one parent, are fostering, and who have adopted. These families face many challenges and sacrificially give to the children that they are raising whether they are theirs, adopted, or are fostering. So the Watson’s created this scholarship to give to these parents and their children an opportunity to go into the wilderness to meet with God and connect on a deeper level with Him as Father, and to connect deeper as family. Because God’s heart is to see families restored, His children healed and firmly rooted in their identity in Him!
Who is this scholarship for?
This scholarship is for families. Families that have or are currently fostering children and children (or individuals who have been) in the foster care system. Familes that have adopted children and children or individuals who have been adopted. Families with only one parent and children or individuals who have been raised by only one parent. God’s heart is for you to meet with Him. So this scholarship fund is specifically for you.
Mail a Check:
617 Plaza Ct.
Laramie, WY 82072
Please make checks directly out to:
Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries
Memo: The Father’s Heart Scholarship Fund
How to Donate
Donate online with an electronic check (ACH) or by card.