(307) 755-0642 info@srom.org

Emily Cable

Warehouse & Facilities Manager

Born and raised on the plains of northeastern Colorado, Emily has always relished being outdoors. Yearly camping trips in the Rockies with her family and hearing her mother’s backpacking stories instilled in her a love for the mountains and inspired her to go on her first backpacking trip with SROM when she was 15. On that 10 day course, God gave her the desire to be a mountain guide who preaches the Gospel of Christ to those she leads. Emily has met with her Lord in the wilderness and has experienced the peace and transformation that the Holy Spirit brings by faith and repentance. Emily believes that, “Wilderness is a wonderful gift from God where He takes us away from our daily distractions, familiar comforts, and conveniences to focus on Christ, increase our dependence on Him, and deepen our intimacy with Jesus.” She is excited to be a part of providing others with the incredible opportunity for God to change their life and fall deeper in love with Jesus in the wilderness setting. Emily was blessed with the privilege of interning with SROM during the summer of 2013 and joined SROM’s full- time staff later that year. She is overjoyed to be pursuing her passion of serving Jesus Christ her Lord by working with SROM to preach the Gospel and raise up passionate Christ followers.



My monthly partnership goal is $1,500/mo. I am currently operating under my goal; receiving right around $1,000/month when I combine one-time gifts with consistent monthly giving. Would you prayerfully consider joining me in this Kingdom building work by partnering financially? Every amount of monthly support is a huge blessing! One-time donations are fantastic as well! Thank you for considering partnering with me to invest in the work God is doing through SROM. To God be all the glory!

How to Donate

Join the team by donating online with an electronic check (ACH) or by card.

Mail a Check:

Attn: Emily Cable
617 Plaza Ct.
Laramie, WY 82072

Please make checks directly out to:
Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries